K Street Transitway Video
To follow up on the previous post on reviving the city’s streetcar network, d. has produced a video simulation of what the K Street Transitway will look like. Skip ahead to 5:07 to see the streetcar cameo.
To follow up on the previous post on reviving the city’s streetcar network, d. has produced a video simulation of what the K Street Transitway will look like. Skip ahead to 5:07 to see the streetcar cameo.
Categories: StreetcarsLeDroit Park, when it was established in 1873, was one of the first suburbs of Washington.
Thanks for the post!
One item of note, which may or may not be relevant, the video clearly show catenary wires in the streetcar simulation. K Street is within the L’Enfant City/Georgetown, and therefore has a Congressionally mandated ban on overhead wires.
I’m not opposed to relaxing the ban for LRT/Streetcars, but the ban does exist.
Indeedy, that legal hurdle does pose a serious challenge. The Biz. Journal says that Councilmember Wells will try to overturn it, but I don’t understand how the Council thinks it can just overturn a Federal law. Perhaps there’s a provision in the original law providing the Council the ability to do so. I’m probably going to search for the actual legislation when I have some time.