August 29, 2012

LeDroit Park slated to get a Capital Bikeshare station this fall

Capital Bikeshare at the WWII Mem.

LeDroit Park Civic Association President and ANC 1B01 candidate Marc Morgan has confirmed that our neighborhood is on the short list to receive one of the 15 new Capital Bikeshare stations this fall.  The station will likely go at the Park at LeDroit on the Elm Street side.

The District and Arlington continue to buy stations and expand the system, filling in more gaps throughout the densest parts of both jurisdictions. Sure, we don’t quite match the richly bespeckled station density of Montréal or Paris, but local annual budgets include capital line items to purchase more stations.

Despite the fact the system is approaching its second birthday, many news outlets misunderstand the purpose of the system.  The annual fee of $75 allows subscribers to rent the bikes at no additional charge for an unlimited number of 30-minute trips.

The 30-minute free period— there’s a charge for longer trips— is supposed to discourage riders from taking out the bikes for hours on end.  In fact, the intended purpose is not joy-riding around town, but to facilitate trips that are slightly too long to walk and slightly too short for driving or transit.

For instance, I find CaBi to be to most convenient way to get between LeDroit Park and Dupont Circle.  No need to wait for buses or trains, no need to transfer at Gallery Place, no need to hunt for parking.

Stations already exist near LeDroit Park, at 7th and T Streets NW and at First Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW.  The new station will finally put LeDroit Park on the CaBi map.

Categories: Bicycles, Park at LeDroit, Transportation
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1 Reply

  1. I love the idea of a Capital Bikeshare station that is actually IN the neighborhood. The park is a perfect central location. Do you know if this is a done deal? The Bloomingdale blog says “Le Droit Park is on the list of possible sites for one of 15 stations to go in this fall. Sounds like we still may have some lobbying to do if we want it to happen.

    Chris Hamilton - August 29, 2012 @ 12:49 pm

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