June 03, 2015

Heritage Trail signs finally installed


This week, after years of work, the LeDroit Park-Bloomingdale Heritage Trail is finally being installed. The signs scattered throughout both neighborhoods mark important historical sites and form a linear path history buffs can follow for a full tour of both neighborhoods.

This heritage trail is titled Worthy Ambition, a line from a Paul Laurence Dunbar poem about black achievement in spite of slavery.

Cultural Tourism DC, which researches and sponsors these trails, is partnering with the civic associations in both neighborhoods for an official unveiling. Stay tuned for details.

Categories: History, LeDroit Park-Bloomingdale Heritage Trail
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1 Reply

  1. The new signs look great! Kudos to everyone who was involved in the process of getting these installed!

    AP - June 3, 2015 @ 1:20 pm

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