April 28, 2011

Prince Charles to visit LeDroit Park on Tuesday

The state of LeDroit-British relations is strong!  On Tuesday, Charles, Prince of Wales, will visit the Common Good City Farm here in LeDroit Park.  The purpose of his visit is sustainable agriculture and after lecturing on the subject at Georgetown University, he will tour the farm from 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm.

Please note that because of the farm’s limited size, the farm will only permit a small delegation of residents to tour the farm with him. Residents are welcome to observe from just beyond the fence; it’s easy to see in, after all.

After the prince departs, Common Good City Farm will host a fundraiser at 6 pm at Big Bear Cafe. Please consider donating to this worthy local resource that educates children and low-income families on gardening and the importance of proper nutrition.

Categories: Common Good City Farm, Diversions

1 Reply

  1. ??? this is very weird news…

    stu - April 29, 2011 @ 12:14 am

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