September 20, 2010

Filming in Progress

Mansard Roof, 525 T Street NW

Yesterday we posted the three-part oral history interview with Mrs. Lauretta Jackson.  It turns out that another neighborhood resident, a professional documentarian, is about to start filming a 30-minute documentary about the neighborhood.  When it’s finished, the program will air on DCTV, the District’s public access channel.  We’ll let you know when it airs.

In the meantime, are there any facets of LeDroit Park you want to know about or you think might be interesting to feature?

Categories: Diversions, History

3 Replies

  1. I don’t know if it makes good documentary content, but I find the history of the street layout/names and the role that evolving modes of transportation (streetcars, cars, metro) changed the character or the neighborhood.

    Nick - September 21, 2010 @ 10:12 am
  2. A general overview of the neighborhood through the years would be interesting. Basically, what you have covered on this site, from the catalog of homes, to history of residents throughout the years. Would be curious what prompted the construction of some of the ugly (some vacant) apartment buildings near Anna Cooper Circle. Before pictures are always really fun to look at.

    Flagler Pl NW - September 24, 2010 @ 3:44 pm
  3. The fence war and the press coverage of it. What houses were lost when the baseball stadium and Gage-Eckington School were built and why was the baseball stadium put here in the first place? It seems an odd spot. Also, any speak easies during prohibition.

    C_onU - February 4, 2011 @ 12:42 pm

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