July 07, 2012

Trader Joe’s coming to 14th & U

It looks like 2013 will be a harvest year for LeDroit Park residents as two new grocery stores open nearby. DCist broke the news that Trader Joe’s will open a store at the Louis building now under construction at the southwest corner of 14th and U.

Located at just under a mile’s walk from Anna J. Cooper Circle, the new store will provide another grocery option to area residents.

TJ’s prices are competitive with many other stores and the TJ’s specializes in unusual and somewhat exotic foods in addition to the usual staples.  TJ’s main weakness lies in its produce selection, which, judging from experiences at the Trader Joe’s in the West End, is limited.

The store’s opening next year will also be accompanied by the opening of the 60,000 square-foot Giant at the CityMarket project at 7th and P Streets in Shaw.  Once these two projects open, all the major grocery store chains in the area will be located no more than 1.1 mi. from LeDroit Park.

Store Location Distance (mi)
Giant (opening 2013) 7th & P Streets NW 0.6
Trader Joe’s (opening 2013) 14th & U Streets NW 0.9
Safeway 5th & L Streets NW 0.9
Harris Teeter 1st & M Streets NE 1.0
Whole Foods 1400 blk. P Street NW 1.1

Even still I dream of a full-service grocery store opening up at the long-stalled Howard Town Center project at Georgia Avenue and V Street.  The project, in the planning stages for many years, has been perpetually delayed by disagreements between Howard University and its development partner.

The UPO building on Rhode Island Avenue used to be a Safeway many years ago.  The site is large enough to be redeveloped into a modern, urban grocery store if parking is placed underground.  In fact the second floor could house UPO’s offices.

Until those dreams come true, the nearest full-service grocery stores are a long, but manageable walk.

Categories: Development Projects, Howard Town Center, Louis, O Street Market
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3 Replies

  1. And don’t forget about the future Walmart (which will have groceries) taht is coming to Swampoodle / Mount Vernon Square (NJ Ave & H, NW) soon.

    Shipsa01 - July 7, 2012 @ 11:57 pm
  2. There s still the rumor of a grocery store either going into Town Danceboutique’s space once their lease is up, or into JBG’s development project beginning soon at 8th and Florida.

    weezfan77 - July 8, 2012 @ 9:47 am
  3. I guess I’m becoming an “olde” because it doesn”t seem *that* long ago that the UPO building was a Safeway. I believe the grocery store closed in 2001.

    Jake - July 9, 2012 @ 3:07 pm

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