January 26, 2010

Rails in Benning Road

We’ve written before about DDOT’s plan to build a streetcar system throughout the District.  The city already owns three streetcars and is storing them temporarily in Greenbelt.

The city recently installed rails and mini-platforms (see below) along the western end of Benning Road in Northeast Washington.  Here are some photos we took this weekend of our shiny new infrastructure.

Future Streetcar Stop

Above: Median platform at 19th Street NE.

Below: The tracks are embedded in a linear concrete pad that runs along the inner lanes of Benning Road.

Benning Road Streetcar

The rails will continue along H Street NE toward Union Station.

Categories: Streetcars
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1 Reply

  1. This just gave me goosebumps! nice!!

    galmeida - February 21, 2010 @ 11:22 am

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