November 01, 2009

Rhode Island Bound

With some careful consideration of DDOT’s proposed streetcar system, we suggest one alteration regarding the Rhode Island Avenue route.  DDOT would prefer to run the purple route all the way down Rhode Island Avenue from P.G. County to Florida Avenue (at the edge of LeDroit Park), at which point it would follow Florida Avenue northwest to U Street, then down 14th Street to K Street.

We suggest that DDOT study placing the route entirely along Rhode Island Avenue all the way to downtown.  Rhode Island Avenue empties out onto M Street, which the route would follow onto New Hampshire Avenue and then to Washington Circle in Foggy Bottom, where it could turn back.

Our proposed route has several advantages:

This proposal will not reduce coverage at all, since the route we suggest eliminating is already covered by at least one other proposed line.

The map below illustrates the difference.  Click the buttons to switch between the DDOT proposal and the DDOT proposal with our amendment.

DDOT Streetcar Routes Downtown

Download an image of our proposal.

Categories: Streetcars
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2 Replies

  1. Very nicely done.

    Ezra Klein - November 2, 2009 @ 10:48 am
  2. Like the idea. Possibly one of the reasons why your plan might not work is due to the circles, e.g. Logan Circle, being obstacles. I don’t know much about rail construction, but imagine it isn’t as cost effective to have obstacles like that.

    I did see the lines near completion on H Street NE. I really can’t wait for R.I. Ave to get a line!

    JBC - December 16, 2009 @ 9:33 am

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