K Street Transitway Video
To follow up on the previous post on reviving the city’s streetcar network, d. has produced a video simulation of what the K Street Transitway will look like. Skip ahead to 5:07 to see the streetcar cameo.
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Thanks for the post!
One item of note, which may or may not be relevant, the video clearly show catenary wires in the streetcar simulation. K Street is within the L’Enfant City/Georgetown, and therefore has a Congressionally mandated ban on overhead wires.
I’m not opposed to relaxing the ban for LRT/Streetcars, but the ban does exist.
Indeedy, that legal hurdle does pose a serious challenge. The Biz. Journal says that Councilmember Wells will try to overturn it, but I don’t understand how the Council thinks it can just overturn a Federal law. Perhaps there’s a provision in the original law providing the Council the ability to do so. I’m probably going to search for the actual legislation when I have some time.