June 15, 2015 - 10:05 am

Meet your neighbors at July’s happy hour

Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 9.59.08 AM

Meet your neighbors and check out Bloomingdale’s newest pub! The next LeDroit Park happy hour will be at The Pub and the People (1648 North Capitol St NW) in Bloomingdale on Tuesday, July 14 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

We hope to see you there.

June 05, 2015 - 10:53 am

Have tea with your neighbors

Progression Place StorefrontsMeet your neighbors and explore a new local business at next week’s LeDroit Park happy hour.  This month we are going to Calabash (1847 7th St NW) on Tuesday, June 9 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Calabash is the new tea shop that opened by the Shaw Metro.

In other news, the Washington Business Journal has a good summary of the retail transformation of Shaw, which is attracting high-end and boutique retailers who used to set up shop in Georgetown instead.

March 04, 2015 - 11:29 am

Meet your neighbors at the happy hour on Tuesday

All Souls Bar

Meet your neighbors at the next LeDroit Park Happy Hour, the LeDroit Park Civic Association’s monthly informal social event.

This month we’re meeting on Tuesday, March 10 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm at the bar All Souls (725 T Street NW).

Everyone is welcome to attend.

February 03, 2015 - 3:32 pm

Meet me (and your neighbors!) at Costa Brava on Tuesday

LeDroit Park residents at Bistro Bohem

LeDroit Park’s next monthly happy hour will be at Costa Brava (1837 First Street NW) in Bloomingdale on Tuesday, February 10, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  We will be at the upstairs bar.  All neighbors are welcome to attend.

August 31, 2012 - 10:00 am

Sept. 10 – LeDroit Park Happy Hour

Nellie's at Night by M.V. Jantzen, on Flickr

Photo by M.V. Jantzen on Flickr

It’s that time again! Come for drinks, free appetizers, and chat with your neighbors Monday, September 10 from 6 to 8 at Nellie’s (9th & U Streets NW).  Nellie’s owner, a LeDroit Park resident, has kindly donated appetizers for the event.

We had a very large turnout in August. Aside from the usual suspects, I got to meet a neighbor five doors down and another neighbor around the corner.