February 18, 2015

You can go far on a single Metrobus from LeDroit Park

Transit map for LeDroit Park

How far can you go from LeDroit Park on a one-seat Metrobus or Metrorail ride? Pretty far, actually. The map above illustrates all the bus lines and metro lines that run through or near LeDroit Park.  View an interactive version of the map.

Residents are fairly familiar with our Metrorail system, but may not know the far reach of the Metrobus network.  From LeDroit Park you can board a single bus and go to 14th Street, Dupont Circle, Georgetown, Adams Morgan, Woodley Park, the National Cathedral, Union Station, H Street NE, Eastern Market, and Barracks Row and never worry about parking.  There are also several buses that go downtown to destinations like Chinatown, the Archives, Metro Center, Farragut Square, Foggy Bottom, and the Kennedy Center.

Here’s a breakdown of routes by the destinations they serve.

West to Shaw, Logan Circle, Dupont Circle, and Georgetown

Board the G2 bus, which originates in LeDroit Park. You can also use this bus to carry heavy groceries from the Whole Foods on P Street or the Giant at 7th & O Streets.

West and north to U Street, Adams Morgan, Woodley Park, the National Cathedral, and Tenleytown

Destination 90,92,93 96 X3 (rush)
Boarding point »  Florida Ave Florida Ave.,
New Jersey Ave.
Florida Ave
U Street Yes Yes Yes
Adams Morgan  90 & 93 Yes Yes
Woodley Park, National Cathedral, Tenleytown Yes Yes

North to Petworth, Brightwood, and Silver Spring

Board the 70 bus or 79 express bus on Georgia Ave. For longer distances, board the 79 at Georgia and Florida Avenues (northbound). This bus makes fewer stops and doesn’t run on Sundays.

To Union Station, H Street NE, Capitol Hill, and east of the Anacostia

Ranked in relative order of speediness to the destination:

Destination 80 90,92,93 96 X3 (rush)
Boarding point »  N. Capitol St. Florida Ave. Florida Ave,
New Jersey Ave.
Florida Ave
Union Station 1 1
H Street NE 1 2
Capitol Hill (the Capitol) 2 1
Capitol Hill (Eastern Market) 1 2
Capitol Hill (Barracks Row) 1
Capitol Heights 1
Historic Anacostia, Congress Heights 1

To downtown

If you regularly ride Metro, you know the subway system occasionally breaks.  If you’re looking for other routes to downtown or to other Metro lines, try these buses (ranked in relative order of speediness to the destination):

Destination G2 G8 80 70,79 90,92,93 96
Boarding point »  3rd St, Elm St, V St Rhode Is. Ave N. Captiol St. 7th St./Georgia Ave. Florida Ave Florida Ave,
New Jersey Ave.
Foggy Bottom 1
The Capitol 2 1
Chinatown, Archives 2 1
Dupont Circle 1
Farragut Square 1 2
McPherson Square 1 2
Union Station 1 1

See you on the bus!


Note: X3 runs along Florida Avenue, but only during rush hour. 79 is an express bus (it skips stops) that doesn’t run on Sunday.

Categories: Metrobus, Metrorail, Transportation
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2 Replies

  1. Hi there: Based on this (http://wmata.com/bus/timetables/dc/79.pdf?n), the 79 does actually run on Sundays. Not sure about this discrepancy.

    Sam Mencimer - February 23, 2015 @ 9:13 pm
  2. Sam, thanks for pointing this out. I have updated the post.

    Eric Fidler - February 24, 2015 @ 12:08 am

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