Updates: Howard, parking, planning, and the civic association
A few brief neighborhood updates:
Parking passes extended to the end of the year
The District has extended the expiration date of our visitor parking passes from September 30 to December 31.
Two groups downgrade Howard University
Moody’s, the bond-rating agency, has downgraded Howard University debt from A3 to Baa1, one notch above junk status. The agency cites worries over the financially foundering hospital, which ran up a $21-million loss last year. Other university departments, however, posted a combined $33-million surplus after the university’s aggressive cost-cutting measures last year.
U.S. News and World Report downgraded Howard University’s ranking by 22 slots to 142nd place. The magazine publishes its annual opinion of the “best colleges” in the nation, though there is plenty of criticism of the magazine’s methodology.
OP and DDOT to unveil the Mid City East draft plan Thursday
The Office of Planning and DDOT are holding an open house tomorrow to unveil their Mid City East small area plan proposal. The agencies launched the Mid City East Initiative last year “to holistically plan for transportation, commercial revitalization, redevelopment, historic resources, sustainability and parks and open space.”
The open house is tomorrow, Thursday, September 26 from 6:30‐8:30 pm at the McKinley Tech Auditorium (151 T Street NE) in Eckington.
LeDroit Park Civic Association will elect new officers next month
The association will elect new officers at its October meeting. The positions up for election are president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Any paid member may run and vote. Not a member? Join today!
The October monthly meeting is on Tuesday, October 22 at 7 pm in the basement of the Florida Avenue Baptist Church (enter on U Street).
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