LeDroit Park has plenty of space for Capital Bikeshare
An email exchange on the neighborhood listserv discussed lobbying DDOT to install a Capital Bikeshare station in the neighborhood. When DDOT, which oversees the bikesharing system, published its expansion plans for last year, we noted that the system had made it to the neighborhood’s periphery, but not its center.
But where could we fit a CaBi station in LeDroit Park? As one neighbor rightly noted, LeDroit Park’s sidewalks are typically too narrow to accomodate bikeshare stations. Indeed, most of the neighborhood’s sidewalks cannot accommodate bike states while maintaining the minimum 4-foot clearance for wheelchairs. Another neighbor suggested installing a station at the Park at LeDroit, which is District-managed property.
However, the easiest answer is sitting right under our wheels: the street!
In several tough places, DDOT has wisely moved the bikeshare stations into the parking lane. In the 600 square feet of public space it takes residents to park three cars, residents can dock 22 bikes. If managing scare public space means optimizing its use for the greatest number of residents, a bikeshare station is a clear winner in efficiency.
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There seems to be space on W street just past the Howard U Hospital. I’m sure it would benefit Howard students as well.
I think we can find a spot somewhere without taking parking spaces away. I agree that perhaps it is a better use of space, but whoever has that installed in their regular parking space is not going to be happy. I think we can find a space that is a win for everyone, not just efficiency.
I thought a bikeshare station was originally slated to be on the south side of the Park at Ledroit, along with ZipCars. The two ZipCars have been up and running for several months now. What happened to the bikeshare plans? I think this is the best, centrally located option…and it won’t take up any on-street parking spaces.
I also really like that option. More foot traffic near the park, and right in the middle of the neighborhood. And not right in front of anyone’s house or taking up parking spaces.
I like the Park option for our Capital Bikeshare station too. I use the Zipcars parked near there often. And the Wednesday afternoon farmer’s market there is a great addition too. Bikeshare station please!
I really wish we could disabuse people of the notion that they have a reserved parking space just for them. Unless people are willing to pony up thousands of dollars to pay for such a thing (could be a great way to raise funds for the city’s general fund, though).