September 23, 2011

Council officially names park

It’s official. At its legislative session on Tuesday, the DC Council officially named our new park the Park at LeDroit.

Here is a short video of the bill’s passage:

Categories: Park at LeDroit

3 Replies

  1. What a terrible name. But thank goodness it doesn’t have the name eckington… Then people might associate the park with a bad neighborhood… Oh wait, never mind…

    Terrible name - September 24, 2011 @ 7:07 pm
  2. Horrible name. Still say it should have been named for Theresa F. Brown. There would be no LeDroit Park as it’s known today without her.

    IMGoph - September 26, 2011 @ 2:14 pm
  3. They could have picked just about any name, other than the Park at Ledroit [Park] and it would be better.

    Combine this with some of the asinine things going out with the management of the park, and it makes me wonder what people who are running the show are thinking?

    Terrible Name - September 27, 2011 @ 11:11 am

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