March 03, 2010

The Fall of the Howard Theater

Fallen Sign at the Howard Theater

Commenter Paul noted that Thursday’s blustery gusts toppled the sign at the dilapidated Howard Theater, depositing the rusting hulk atop the rickety marquee.  We wonder how long it will be before the marquee comes crashing to the ground.

Neither the sign nor the marquee will survive the renovation anyway.

Categories: Development Projects, Safety & Order

5 Replies

  1. i just tweeted about this here, and it apparently caught the eye of DCRA.

    IMGoph - March 3, 2010 @ 5:29 pm
  2. Thank you. If DCRA is interested, I can compile a list of violations at the theater and neighboring properties that are part of the Radio One project. The developers believe that anti-blight laws don’t apply to them. Nor did they bother to shovel their sidewalks during either snow storm.

    Eric Fidler - March 3, 2010 @ 5:39 pm
  3. eric: send it along to their twitter feed. DCRA is the most responsive agency on twitter in the known universe.

    IMGoph - March 3, 2010 @ 5:45 pm
  4. Eric,
    Thanks. We first want to make sure that marquee isn’t going to come crashing down but send any other information you have to michael.rupert(at) Thanks. – Mike, DCRA

    Mike Rupert - March 4, 2010 @ 9:56 am
  5. the howard theater project is such a joke. lincoln theater has about a dozen events a year and requires regular infusions of city money to keep it afloat. check out their current calendar – that’s right, SIX event from now through July:

    does anyone have any realistic reason to believe the howard theater will be different?

    you want it to thrive again, sell it to a private developer. this nonprofit quasi-government agency entity that is currently “planning” (I use that term very loosely) the project is definitely not going to be successful.

    Eric in Ledroit - March 4, 2010 @ 12:39 pm

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