Narrowly Missing the Mud
Thanks to a wave of citizen pressure on the council, LeDroit Park narrowly avoided yet another delay in park construction.
Last night we learned that Councilmember Harry Thomas, Jr. (D – Ward 5), would offer a bill this morning to prevent the mayor’s office from re-appropriating $1.5 million to the park project here in LeDroit Park. His stated reason for throwing a wrench in the process was that his bill was simply a “procedural matter to ensure that the funding source is constant with the Deputy Mayor[‘s] testimony that the funds will not be taken from other projects and that the funds are properly identified.”
As though a phone call within the Wilson Building wouldn’t have answered that question. Threatening to further delay a much-needed construction project that the council and mayor had already promised may not be the most prudent way to stick it to the mayor’s office; Mr. Thomas woke the sleeping dragon.
Deluged with emails between residents, civic association leaders, Jim Graham (D – Ward 1), Kwame Brown (D – at large), and Mr. Thomas, himself, the council passed a revised version of Mr. Thomas’s bill, this time explicitly approving the re-appropriation. Now there’s a u-turn!
Our thanks to all the residents who contacted the council to voice their disapproval. Mr. Thomas admitted receiving an avalanche of 230 emails this morning on the matter.
And who said citizen democracy doesn’t work?
I want to express my appreciation for Left for Le Droit. I was one of the 230 emails encouraging councilman Thomas to “do the right thing.” Without Left for LeDroit, I would not have learned about the need to voice my opinion in support of the park. Great job Left for LeDroit…keep up the good work!