October 27, 2009

Our McMillan Public Meeting

McMillan Reservoir

Our McMillan is hosting a public meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 28, 7 – 9 pm., on plans for redeveloping the McMillan Reservoir site.  The Reservoir site at issue is bounded by North Capitol Street, Michigan Avenue NW, and Channing Street.  It’s certainly among the area’s more controversial projects.

St. George’s Episcopal Church
160 U St NW (2nd & U Sts NW)

Categories: Development Projects, McMillan Sand Filtration Site

2 Replies

  1. Boycott these Our McMillan meetings they are just a rouge gropu attempting to stop all development of the site! Let’s get somethign there for everyone to enjoy! Boycott Our McMillan!

    The Commiss - March 1, 2010 @ 12:49 pm
  2. Now that we know the sewer system can’t cope, why should this go forward. Their sewage will flow downhill into our part of the neighborhood.

    Diane De Bernardo - July 17, 2012 @ 10:47 am

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